Thursday, May 29, 2008


It's pronounced SHOD-n-froy-duh, and it's German, so give it a good guttural try. It means: A malicious staisfaction obtained from the misfortunes of others. As in, I felt pleanty of Schadenfreude when Perry, having a temper tantrum, threw his head back and hit it on the floor. The Germans capitalize it, so you will often see it that way.

This was our Word of the Day today; and with it we stumped David. Congratulate us!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Word of the Day

We've started a new game at our house. Every morning the kids and I visit and look up the Word of the Day. I read it to them along with the definition. I make sure they can say the word and try to explain it so they can really understand it. Then, when it's time to get David up, the kids and I tell him the Word of the Day and see if he knows its definition. So far we've done this for five consecutive days and we have been unable to stump Dad. I'm not really surprised, though. I'll let you know when we discover one he doesn't know.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Family Picture

This was taken in South Florida, in front of my in-law's home.