Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"C" Names are Up!

A number of you have voted now for your favorite names. Thanks for doing that, I love to hear what you all think. I've just gone through the "C" names and added my favorites to the list. I should specify that these names are ones only I have chosen, so don't worry if you don't like any of them too much since David still hasn't even looked at them :) Also, now that there are more to choose from, we're kind of mix 'n matching. Some might make better middle rather than first names so keep that in mind. Feel free to give me feed-back if you like a certain combination of any two I've chosen.

I suppose it's only fair to give you the tally so far :)











Monday, September 15, 2008

How to Have a Happy Daisy

Daisy's new favorite pastime is to roam around the house with a damp washcloth "washing" things. She might sit for ten minutes or so washing a chair or a toy or move from room to room washing windowsills, doors, walls, books, you name it. It really seems to make her happy. When I see her doing this I usually thank her for being such a good helper. Maybe she's inherited some of my mother and grandmother's tidiness genes--I sure didn't.

In other news:

This evening Perry and I were talking about different states and he wanted to know where Pennsylvania was located.

"Is is near Tennessee?" He asked. When I responded negatively he wanted to know if it was close to Florida. Again I told him it wasn't and suggested he get his map game of the United States and we would find it together. When he came back with the game we turned it on--it will say the name of the state when you press on it. I asked him were Tennessee was. He found it the first time, pressed on it and the game told him he had gotten it right. We did the same with Florida.

"And there's Pennsylvania" I told him and then asked him to press on the green state.

"And there's Underwear" Daisy said, and pointed directly to Delaware.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Help Name the New Baby!

I've added a new page element. Just under the floating countdown baby, which incidentally is about three weeks too fast, I've added a link to a page where you can vote on names for the new baby. So far I've only gone through this site's A and B names, but I'm going to try to update it frequently--so stay posted. And please do vote! You probably won't sway us too much with your preferences, but it's nice to know what you like anyhow :)

You'll notice there are only boy's names up there at present. That's because we've got the girl's names nailed down to two: Persephone or Charity. If we list any girl's names, they will probably be as a middle name for one of these two.

Do let me know what you think!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Clogged Ears

A few Sundays ago Perry met me in the hall after church. He had escaped from Sunday School right at the end. I think he figures that when some other parent comes to get his or her kid, Sunday School is over and he's free to wonder the halls looking for me. He just gets excited and forgets he's supposed to stay put until I get there to claim him.

"Mom, look! I made a sifter for cakes!" Then he handed me a black cylindrical piece of construction paper with stickers all over it.

"Oh, great Perry!" I said, a little puzzled.

I stood there a little while longer waiting for David to gather up Daisy, Calvin, and all the worldly possessions we, for some reason, feel we have to haul to church every Sunday.

"Oh, great, you've got him," I hear and turn around to see Perry's Sunday School teacher looking relieved.

We exchanged greetings and then she mentioned that they'd been studying the book of Ester.

"Oh," I said, "Then this is probably not a sifter for cakes, then."

"No," she replied, laughing. "It's a scepter. The Scepter of Mercy."

Perry looked up at me. "The Scepter of Nursing?"